ACATS Transfers
The Transfer Positions screen lets you transfer US stocks, warrants, options US mutual funds, US bonds and cash held at another brokerage firm to us through the National Securities Clearing Corporation's (NSCC) Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS). A full ACATS transfer moves all of your assets from a third-party broker to your IBKR account. A partial ACATS transfer moves only those assets that you select.
When you select ACATS as the transfer method on the Transfer Positions page, you can:
- Enter an ACATS transfer, in which all of your assets are transferred from a third-party broker to your account.
- Save new broker information, which lets you save and reuse third-party broker information for future ACATS transfers.
Your Account Name, Tax Identification Number and Client Type (i.e. individual, joint, Roth IRA), must exactly match the third-party broker account in order for the transfer to take place.
About Saved Broker Information
If you want to use your third-party broker for an ACATS transfer AND save it in our system for future use, you must complete two tasks:
- Initiate a new ACATS transfer, but choose to save the new broker information. No transfer is performed in this step.
- Initiate a new ACATS transfer using the saved broker information. This is where you select the assets to transfer.
Note: You cannot simultaneously save new broker information and perform a transfer. The transfer must either be performed without saving the broker information, or the transfer must be performed after the broker information is saved.

- Click Transfer & Pay > Transfer Positions
- Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > Transfer & Pay > Transfer Positions
- If you have multiple accounts or account partitions, or if you have a master account and you manage one or more client or sub accounts, the Account Selector opens. Select the account you want to use for this transaction, or use the search function in the Account Selector to find the desired account. Click Continue to submit your account selection and close the Account Selector.
- In the Transaction Type list, select Inbound Position or Outbound Position.
- Select the Region of the delivering firm
- In the Method list, select the transfer method.
- In the Broker Information section, complete all fields to identify the third-party broker who will be transferring the assets. Select the broker from the drop-down list; enter your account number, account title and account type at the selected broker; and enter your Tax ID number.
- To continue with ACATS transfer, set Save Broker Information to Yes.
- Enter the name of the saved broker information. This is the name you will use when you apply this information to a future position transfer.
- Click Continue.
- If prompted, confirm your identity and enter the confirmation number we emailed you in the fields provided.
Your new broker information has been created. Now you can return to the Transfer & Pay > Transfer Position screen and initiate a new transfer using the newly-created broker information.
See Saved Information for information about viewing and deleting saved broker information.
To obtain instructions on how to submit an ACATS transfer request, please click here

Your Account
Brokers ensure the safety and security of transfer requests by only authorizing requests between open accounts that meet the following criteria:
Same Account Title
Same Tax ID Number
Same Account type
Transfer Approval
Ultimately responsible for validating the transfer, the "delivering firm" may accept information from the "receiving firm" correcting data originally entered. Approved or validated requests result in the delivery of positions to the "receiving firm" for their acceptance. Assets may not be accepted by the "receiving firm" for the following:
Non-marginable or Margin (credit) violation
Not Tradable
DTC Chill
Processing Time-frame
The processing time for each transfer request is fixed. In general, approved transfers complete within 4 to 8 business days. Almost all transfers complete within 10 business days. Each firm is required to perform certain steps at specific intervals in the process.
While Interactive Brokers does not charge a fee to transfer your account via ACATS, some brokers do apply a fee for full and partial transfers. Prior to initiating your transfer, you should contact the "delivering firm" to verify any charge.
ACATS Rejections - Most Common Causes
The rejection of an ACATS transfer request is typically initiated by action of the delivering broker once that broker has had an opportunity to review the request and confirm the details of the account to be transferred. Rejection reasons have been listed below.
Social Security Number/Tax ID Mismatch - the client taxpayer identification number as provided by the receiving broker does not agree with that of the delivering broker’s records.
Account Title Mismatch - the client account title as provided by the receiving broker does not agree with that of the delivering broker’s records.
Documentation Needed – the delivering broker requires additional account documentation in order to process a transfer request (e.g., death or marriage legal documents).
Account Flat – account holds no transferable assets.
Invalid Account Number – the client account number as provided by the receiving broker is not on delivering member’s books.
Duplicate – delivering broker is already in receipt of a transfer request involving the same receiving broker and client account..
Account in Distribution or Transfer – another ACATS transfer or other distribution of account assets directly to client is already underway.
Client Rescinded – client has submitted written request to cancel transfer request.
Missing Authorization Signature – transfer request requires an additional client and/or custodian signature.
Credit Violation - the result of the transfer if effected would be to place the account in margin deficit and subject to forced liquidation.
Additional Resources
Learn About Position Transfers in the Portal at IBKR Campus
Visit the IBKR Client Portal Website