Using the Orders Panel


The Orders panel is where you actively manage orders.

Note: The relationship between parent/child orders is shown via the Key field in the Tickets, Orders and Trades panels . Every new child order is numbered sequentially and colored to indicate its relationship to the original order.

To Transmit an Order

  1. Modify order parameters by clicking in the appropriate field and selecting or entering a new value.

  2. Use the price or size “wand” to set a parameter by clicking and holding the mouse button in a field.

  3. Click the “T” in the red Status field to transmit the order.

To Cancel an Order

  1. Transmitted child orders show a “C” in the yellow Status field. Click to cancel the order.

    Note: To create a new order, right-click the original ticket in the Tickets panel.

You can modify the following parameters for a child order:

  • Order Quantity, which can be modified to be equal to or less than the quantity in the Leaves status field for the order in the Tickets panel.

  • Limit Price (with restrictions) - you cannot adjust the price to be more aggressive than the client’s original price, i.e. you cannot increase the price for a buy order, or decrease the price for a sell order.

  • Order Type (with restrictions) including:

  • Limit tickets can only be sent as a limit or relative orders.

  • Market orders can be submitted as: market, limit, stop, stop limit, trailing stop, trailing stop limit and volatility. For more information on IBKR order types, see the Order Types page on the web site.

  • Time in Force - use the drop-down menu to choose from Day, GTC, OPG, IOC or GTD.

    You must set the TIF for a child order equal to or shorter than that of the parent. Otherwise, the TIF of the parent order will override that of the child order.

  • Destination - choose a new routing destination for the order, create a new “Away” destination, or route to another desk within your firm.


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