Option Chain & Strategy Builder


The versatile Option Chains window lets you easily view and create options orders that you submit via the Order Entry panel, and compare and create two-legged option spreads and multi-leg complex strategies using the embedded Strategy Builder with a single click.

To open the Option Chain, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. For Mosaic - Click the New Window button in the top left corner and select Option Chain

    For Classic TWS - Click the Trading Tools button across the top of the page and select Option Chain

  2. Enter an underlying in the top left corner of the Option Chain window and press Enter.

  3. The Option Chain for this product will appear.

    The option chain in TWS.

  4. Use settings along the top of the chain to view a different expiration date, include or exclude weeklies/quarterlies, change the view (between Tabbed and List), change number of strikes, exchange and trading class (as needed).

  5. Click the Bid price (to create a Sell order) or the Ask price (to create a buy order) from the Calls or Puts side of the Option Chain. The Mosaic Order Entry panel is populated with the selected options contract.

  6. In the Order Entry panel, modify the option price, quantity and order type as needed and click Submit to transmit the order.

For information on creating a complex-multi leg strategy, please click the Strategy Builder drop-down menu below.


Additional Resources

Learn About Option Chain in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus

Learn About Strategy Builusing-strategy-builder-in-mosaicder in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus

Visit the Trader Workstation Website