Display Configuration
Configure your display settings by taking the steps outlined below.
For Mosaic - Click the File menu in the top left corner.
For Classic TWS - Click the Edit menu in the top left corner.
Click Global Configuration.
Click Display Configuration in the left pane.
Click one of the following to configure the settings

Display Settings
Show arbitrage meter - check to automatically show the index arb meter if you have index instruments listed in your market data.
Show leg trades only - When checked, spreads and combination executions will be shown in individual legs. If unchecked, the entire combination will be displayed, and you can click to expand the line and show the individual leg executions.
Use consolidated status column - When checked, the Status column will split and show both the Transmit/Cancel buttons and the status color. You must manually remove the Transmit field to activate this feature.
Rename Relative order type to Pegged-to-Primary - If checked, "relative" orders will display as "Pegged-to-Primary" orders wherever the title occurs. This only changes the name. The relative functionality remains the same.
Basic display mode - When checked, the display mode remains basic to potential improve system performance. Check to turn off animation and other aesthetic actions.
Show combo strategy title first - When checked, the strategy title of a combo will display first in the description, as inCalendar Spread + Feb 19 ‘10, - JAN 15 ‘10 14 Call. Uncheck to display the title last, as in+ Feb 19 ‘10, - JAN 15 ‘10 14 Call Calendar Spread.
Auto Show Price/Size Wand - When checked, the price and size wands will display automatically when you put the cursor into an applicable field. If unchecked, the wand will display when you click and hold the mouse in the field.
Quickly insert/remove columns from column headers - When checked, holding your mouse over a column header will display the "Insert Column" and "Remove column name" commands. The "Insert" displays a list of available columns that you can quickly add to your panel or window with a single click. The "Remove" command lets you quickly remove the selected column.
Flash bulletins - Check to have trading notifications flash in red at the top of the screen.
Titlebar text - Text entered here will be used in place of your account number in the TWS titlebar.
Allow order sorting on Pending page - When checked, the pending page will go into compressed view when you click an order field header to sort orders. Compressed view displays only orders, no market data lines and no blank lines are shown.
Auto-resize columns - When checked, tables such as the trading window etc. will automatically resize table columns when a field has been added or removed.
Show symbol for derivatives - When checked, the local symbol will be shown as part of the contract description.
Show daylight/summer time indication - When checked, the visible, displayed time zone reflect change for daylight's savings (EST to EDT). When unchecked, this change occurs in the background. Enabling a change to this setting requires you to restart TWS for it to take affect.
Rename Quantity column to "Leaves" - If checked, the Quantity column across all tools will be renamed to "Leaves" but ONLY IF the Total Quantity column is also displayed.
Windows Handling
Bring all windows to front if one is selected - When checked, all windows in the application are functionally linked, so that selecting one window will bring all windows to the front. This feature is automatically enabled if you enable Workspace windows snapping (above).
Open new windows near action spot - When checked, new windows or tools will open next to the spot where you initiated the action. This feature is especially helpful for smaller windows and tools that might otherwise open behind or away from the current window, making it difficult to find.
Page Handling
Allow pages to be detached - When checked, you can detach trading pages from the main trading window.
Insert pages in alpha order - When checked, newly added pages are automatically inserted alphabetically into your existing tab set of page names.
Display X icon in tab header - When checked, the X icon to delete a trading page will appear on the active page, next to the trading page title.
Show for column headers - When checked, you will see descriptive text when you hold your cursor over any of the main Trading screen column names.
Show timestamps - If checked, when you mouse over the last price you will also see the time of the trade.
Show tooltip for order reversal - If checked, you will see a tooltip when you elect to reverse an order from the trading window.
Show mouse hotkey - When checked, you will see a description of the hotkey when you mouse over any fields for which you have created a mouse-click shortcut.
Show order status information - If checked, when you mouse over the Status field for an order the status of the order, such as Submitted, Pending, Filled, is shown.
Show calculations for P&L columns - If checked, the full P&L calculation for any P&L columns will be displayed in the mouse-over help. These calculations may be lengthy and require a large help box.
Blink "Trades" toolbar icon after trades
Blink always on new trade - If selected, the Trades icon on the trading toolbar will blink each time an order executes.
Blink if Trade window is closed - If selected, the Trades icon on the trading toolbar will only blink on new executions if you have the Executions window closed.
Never blink - If selected, the Trades icon on the trading toolbar will never blink.
Options Colors
Color options based on in-the-money status - Check this box to use color-coding to identify an option's in-the-money status at a glance.
Use the Change button to modify the default in-the-money or out-of-the-money background colors.

Use the Style configuration page to define style settings such hiding or showing gridlines, changing fonts and modifying the color palette.
Style Settings
Use system title bar - if checked, the TWS menus will be moved down a level and the original system title bar will be displayed.
Large menu text - if checked, the menu titles on the titlebar will display larger.
Show grid lines in tables- check to display solid gridlines on your trading pages.
Color Text- check to display a text description of status colors on top of the colored field. For example, the status field turns red when you transmit an order. With this feature checked, the colored area will display the word "red" as well as displaying the color.
Auto Alignment - if checked, text will align left and numerical values will align right in all TWS fields.
Alternating row brightness - this setting provides a contrast level for better row by row readability on trading pages. A setting of "4" provides the brightest contrast between alternating rows, "0" provide the least contrast.
Select Font Style - choose a new font.
Font Size - choose a new font size.
Mosaic Font Size - choose a font size that will be applied only to Mosaic windows.
If you "lock" the sizes, this will keep the ratio between Advanced Order Entry and Mosaic fonts intact. For example, if current sizes are 11 and 13 and you change "11" to "12," the font size for Mosaic will automatically change from "13" to "14" to keep the ratio intact.
Reset- click to reset font style and size to the default values.
Application Color Adjustment
Select a palette to apply a color scheme across the application. Please note that the new setting will not be applied until the next time you log in. A sample view of your selection is shown using the TWS image.

Ticker Row Settings
Display stocks with options available in bold - when checked, stocks that have options will display in bold font on the trading screen.
Show hedging icon in size column - check to have the delta hedge icon shown in the Quantity field for volatility orders with an attached delta hedge.
Display tick-dots instead of colored prices - when checked, price display on the Quote Monitor will be in white with a colored tick dot indicating upward or downward price movement.
Remove leading zero before decimal point - Check to remove the leading zero before decimals in TWS to conserve space, for example see ".25" instead of "0.25."
Show position values in base currency - If checked, all position and P&L values are recalculated to display in your base currency, and are shown in italics to identify them as having been converted from the local currency to your base currency.
Highlight high or low for the day - when checked, the Last price will display in RED if it is also the day's low, and will display in BLUE if it is also the day's high.
Display Buy/Sell mouse-pointer over Bid and Ask cells - When checked, you will see the word "BUY" when you hover over the Ask price and "SELL" when you hover over the bid price as a reminder of the action a click will invoke.
Show white outline for cells with hotkey actions - When checked, a thin white border will display around cells when you mouse over them whenever clicking the cell will result in an action, for example the bid or ask cell will initiate a sell or buy order when clicked.
Double click on contract will - Specify whether double-clicking an instrument will open the full Contract Details page, or make the field editable allowing you to change the instrument .
Home Exchange
Set a Home Exchange Group that identifies your most-used exchange groups. Each time the primary listing exchange for an instrument matches a home exchange group, that exchange is hidden from the description on the ticker line. This feature can help to clean up your trading page by removing the repetitive listing of your most-used exchanges.
Fixed Income Minimum Size Increment
Customize the quantity display for fixed income products.
Select $1 to size in face value.
Select $1 K to size in multiples of 1000.
Fixed Income Pricing
Shows the bond price including or excluding the away platform fees. Bond orders are frequently created on the condition that they should only trade when the quantity meets or exceeds a minimum acceptable trade size (set when the order is created) becomes available at their price. IBKR calculates and displays the net price for each order or quote that it receives from away platforms assuming that the quoted price will trade in full.
Given the platform fee and any possible minimum size requirements the displayed "total" bid or ask prices may only be achieved by trading the full size.
Show Net Price - Displays full bond price including away platform fees.
Show Raw Price - Displays the bond price only, exclusive of away platform fees.
Forex Size Display Settings
Full display shows all digits - If selected, a sample size would show as 5,000,000.
Abbreviated display shows “K” for thousands and “M” for millions - If selected, the above size of 5,000,000 would display as 5M.
Position and P&L Display Settings
Include Away positions to Portfolio and P&L - check to show away positions on a new tab in the Positions section of the Account window, in the Positions field displayed on any TWS trading page, and on the Portfolio page.
For display purposes, position values are aggregated to include both IBKR-held positions and “away” positions on the same instrument/contract. However for trading purposes, if you elect to “close” a position, only the portion held at IBKR will be traded.
Include today’s opening position in P&L calculation - Check to include existing positions in the calculation for the P&L column only.
Round values to nearest whole number - When checked, the Cost Basis, Market Value and all other P&L value column will be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Color-code position and P&L columns - When checked, the Position and all P&L columns will use color-coding to indicate positive and negative values at a glance. Set the colors using the selection boxes below.
Increase average price precision by "n" points - Increase precision of Market Value and Average Price fields by adding more decimals places. Elect to show the extra precision in superscript, i.e. 23.4521
Complex (Multi-Leg) Positions
Group legs into complex positions/Hide complex positions - Elect to "Group" legs to show the position as a single combination strategy. Elect to "Hide" complex positions to display legs individually.
Display P&L on Complex Positions - When checked, both P&L and Realized P&L will be shown for the complex position to which it is attributed. When unchecked, it will be shown on corresponding legs.
Simplify combinations ratios - Check to simplify the combination ratio display, ie. simplify 6:3 to 2:1. Leave unchecked to leave ratios in their original form.
Use option leg price increments in price wand - When checked, price increments for complex multi-leg positions will be the same as increments for an individual leg.
Borrow/Loan Rate Format
The default Fee Rate format shows the borrow/lend rate from the perspective of a fee owed.
Volume Column Display Settings
Prefer native volume - Does not update with every tick, but will include delayed transactions, busts, late-reported trades and combos.
Prefer calculated volume - Updates with every tick, but may not include delayed transactions, busts, late-reported trades and combos.
Abbreviated display shows "K" for thousands and "M" for millions - Check to show abbreviated instead of exact volume display using letters. This display saves space but may not show enough detail for all cases.
Market Data
Click Reset Subscription to modify settings for delayed market data.
Show Forex data in 1/10 pips - When checked, forex quote precision will be increased to 1/10 of a PIP (from usual 1/2 PIP). This is for quotes only.
Allow Forex trading in 1/10 pips - When checked, Forex orders will be submitted in 1/10 pip increments.
Show last known quotes, excluding indexes - When checked, a static snapshot of the bid, ask, bid size and ask size is displayed when the markets are closed, for all tickers that are subscribed to market data excluding indexes.
Show last known quotes for indexes only - When checked, a static snapshot of the last price on the index is displayed when the markets are closed, for all index tickers that are subscribed to market data.
Do not prompt for Market Data subscriptions - When checked, you will not be prompted to see delayed market data for those tickers that have no market data subscription. A change to this parameter requires that you restart your system before the change takes effect.
Format prices with commas - Check to see commas in price quotes where applicable.

Select a default contract selector by selecting the check box to the left of the financial instrument element.

Customize how dates are formatted and displayed throughout TWS.
If desired, use the drop down selector on a section to define a unique date format just for that section.
Click OK to apply. You can modify these settings at any time.

Use the Toolbar configuration page to define settings for the main Trading toolbar.
Simplify menu and toolbar - when checked, the Classic TWS layout will use the simplified Mosaic menu instead of the traditional TWS menu and toolbar.
Show toolbar - check to display the main Trading toolbar.
Show icons - check to display icons on the main Trading toolbar.
Use large icons - check to increase the size of the icons on the main Trading toolbar.
Show text - check to display text descriptions of buttons on the toolbar. Use this feature in conjunction with the Show icons selection to see both the icon and the text name of the toolbar buttons.
Show toolbar on detached pages - if you elect to detach some trading pages, the toolbar will remain visible.
Font name - choose a new font.
Font Size - choose a new font size.
Default - click to reset font style and size to the default values.
Toolbar Items
The items in the screen can be added to/removed from the trading toolbar. Change the order of the buttons and separators using the Move Up and Move Down buttons on the right. Use the Remove button to remove a feature from the toolbar. Use the Add Separator button to add a line separator above the selected toolbar feature. Click Reset to put back all removed features and separator lines. Click Default to configure the toolbar based on the default layout.
Additional Resources
Learn About Global Configuration in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus