Classic TWS Watchlist
Watchlists help you track performance at a glance, and are synched automatically across all of your trading platforms. Colored tick dots indicate up/down values. Use the right-click menu from any symbol to access trading and analytical tools, and to edit the Watchlist.
To add this window into your Classic TWS Interface, please take the steps outlined below.
Navigate to the Classic TWS tab in the bottom left corner.
Click the black "+" icon in the top left corner where the current tabs are populating.
Provide a name for this Watchlist and enter any page settings you would like to configure.
Press OK to see a blank watchlist populate.
Features of the Watchlist
Populate the Watchlist by entering the underlying symbol in the Contract column, or by dragging and dropping a ticker line from another TWS window into the Watchlist.
If you drag a Group Header into the Watchlist, the header and all contracts in that section will be copied into the Watchlist.
Add more Contract/Last/Change column by dragging to expand the width of the window.
Customize fields in the column using the Watchlist Layout page in Global Configuration.

You may place a trade directly from the watchlist by taking the steps outlined below.
Right click a symbol added in your watchlist. A pop up will appear which includes the options to Buy, Sell, Close a Position, or use one of our tools.
Upon selecting the option to buy, sell, or close, a window will populate below the watchlist row allowing you to edit the order parameters and transmit the order.
Note: You may also place a trade through the watchlist by selecting the current bid price (sell), or ask price (buy) followed by selecting the blue Transmit button.

If you have queued up all of your orders on a watchlist (without selecting the transmit button), you may transmit these orders all at once. To do so, please take the steps outlined below.
Navigate to the Trade button in the top left corner of the window.
Highlight your curser over Transmit and select Transmit All Orders on Page "Watchlist"
A pop-up message will appear in which you can select Yes

You may rename your watchlist at any point by right clicking on the Watchlist tab in the top left corner and select "Rename Page"

When you first open the Classic layout, a sample Quote Monitor displays several sample lines of data. Before you trade an asset, you’ll want to be able to see streaming data for the asset. A market data line represents an individual ticker, and displays the product type, order destination, ask and bid prices, and any other defining attributes. You can add a market data line by typing a symbol directly into the Contract column of the Quote Monitor.
Enter security definitions by entering the exchange contract class or contract symbol in the Contract field. Enter forex pairs using the syntax xxx.yyy in the Contract field. To do so, please take the steps outlined below.
Click an empty row under the Financial Instrument column.
Enter an underlying symbol and press enter on your keyboard
Select an asset type from the pick-list.
Once you have selected the specific product, this symbol will be added as a market data line in your watchlist.
If you choose Smart as the exchange (rather than selecting Directed and then picking a destination) the market data is aggregated and the default order routing is Smart. From a display perspective, ticker lines that use aggregated Smart data do not display Smart in the data line. The system will only show the exchange if you elect to direct route. When you create an order, regardless of the market data selection you can modify the order routing destination on a per-order basis using the Destination field.
Additional Notes About Market Data Use
A market data line is considered “active” when visible.
Each alarm that you set always uses one line of market data whether or not you are viewing the asset that contains the alarm.
Market data requested through an API has top priority, followed by data requested by alarms, and finally basic market data display. This means that if you are viewing a trading page that includes 100 lines of market data, and you also have price-activated alarms set for 6 other contracts, those 6 contracts will receive market data, and your trading page will only show data for 94 contracts.
The option chains in the OptionTrader do not count against available market data lines.
For details on market data fees and allocation rules, see the Market Data and News Subscriptions overview on the IBKR website.
Note: If you add a market data line for a derivative instrument, it will ask if you want the underlying symbol added to the page. If you answer yes, it will be included above its derivative.