Classic TWS Watchlist


Watchlists help you track performance at a glance, and are synched automatically across all of your trading platforms. Colored tick dots indicate up/down values. Use the right-click menu from any symbol to access trading and analytical tools, and to edit the Watchlist.

To add this window into your Classic TWS Interface, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. Navigate to the Classic TWS tab in the bottom left corner.

  2. Click the black "+" icon in the top left corner where the current tabs are populating.

    The plus icon to add a watchlist in classic TWS.

  3. Provide a name for this Watchlist and enter any page settings you would like to configure.

    The classic TWS watchlist settings

  4. Press OK to see a blank watchlist populate.

    The classic TWS watchlist

Features of the Watchlist
  • Populate the Watchlist by entering the underlying symbol in the Contract column, or by dragging and dropping a ticker line from another TWS window into the Watchlist.

  • If you drag a Group Header into the Watchlist, the header and all contracts in that section will be copied into the Watchlist.

  • Add more Contract/Last/Change column by dragging to expand the width of the window.

  • Customize fields in the column using the Watchlist Layout page in Global Configuration.


Additional Resources

Learn About Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus

Visit the Trader Workstation Website