Enter an ATON Position Transfer
A full ATON transfer moves all of your assets from a third-party Canadian broker to your IBKR account. A partial ATON transfer moves only those assets that you select.
If you want to use your third-party broker for an ATON transfer AND save it in our system for future use, you must complete two tasks:
- Initiate a new ATON transfer, but choose to save the new broker information. No transfer is performed in this step.
- Initiate a new ATON transfer using the saved broker information. This is where you select the assets to transfer.
Note: You cannot simultaneously save new broker information and perform a transfer. The transfer must either be performed without saving the broker information, or the transfer must be performed after the broker information is saved.

Click Transfer & Pay > Transfer Positions.
Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > Transfer & Pay > Transfer Positions
If you have multiple accounts or account partitions, or if you have a master account and you manage one or more client or sub accounts, the Account Selector opens. Select the account you want to use for this transaction, or use the search function in the Account Selector to find the desired account. Click Continue to submit your account selection and close the Account Selector.
In the Transaction Type list, select Incoming.
Select the Canada from the drop down list.
In the Method list, select ATON.
In the Broker Information section, complete all fields to identify the third-party broker who will be transferring the assets. Select the broker from the drop-down list; enter your account number, account title and account type at the selected broker; and enter your Tax ID number.
To continue with ATON transfer, select No for Save Broker Information.
Note: If you want to save the Broker Information in our system, select Yes, then click Continue. Once your new broker information is confirmed, you can initiate a new ATON transfer using the new broker information.
In the Transaction Information section, indicate that you want to transfer all assets from the selected broker (a full ATON transfer) by selecting Yes, and then select Yes for the authorization option.
To transfer only some assets from your third-party broker (a partial ATON transfer), select No, and then click Add Asset.
In the Asset Search window, select an asset type from the drop-down. For example, select Stock.
Select the Search Type (by Symbol, by CUSIP number or by ISIN number), and then enter the symbol and, optionally, an exchange.
The Asset Search window refreshes with a list of matching symbols. Click the one you want to transfer.
Click Search Again to search to start a different asset search. -
Enter the quantity and type of assets (Long or Short) to transfer. Select Yes to transfer your entire position of the selected symbol.
Click Add. The assets are added to the list of assets to transfer.
You can remove assets from the transfer by clicking the x in the asset list.
Click Continue.
On the page that appears, type your signature in the Signature field, and then click Continue.
Click Back to modify the transfer request. -
Click Continue.
To uploading a CSV follow the instructions for starting a partial position transfer request using ACATS.
Click Upload CSV, then select the .CSV file you have prepared for this position transfer request. The name of the file that you select will appear below the choose a file button.
Click Cubmit; provided there are no errors, a summary of the positions in your .CSV file and their eligibility for your selected transfer method appears in the Transfer Eligibility Summary window.
Click Finish to submit this request.
Additional Resources
Learn About Position Transfers in the Portal at IBKR Campus
Visit the IBKR Client Portal Website