Place Orders in Portal

Quickly place an order within Portal by clicking the Trade tab > Order Ticket, or by clicking Menu in the top left corner > Trade > Order Ticket.

The order entry panel appears with order parameters.

To create an order

  1. Enter or search for a symbol (for example: Stocks, Options, Futures, etc.)

  2. If you hold more than one account, select an account from the drop-down selector next to the Order Ticket page title.

  3. You can change the product type by selecting a different tab (for example: Stocks, Options, Futures, etc.).

  4. View a graph, product quote, and account balances on the right hand side

  5. Set the side by clicking Buy Order or Sell Order.

  6. Enter the order quantity

  7. Choose the order type

  8. Enter price as needed

  9. Modify time-in-force if needed

  10. Elect to either Preview or Submit the order

  11. Place the order