Edit Dividend Schedule
Use the Dividend Editor to manually create your own dividend schedule.
To open the dividend editor
- Right-click the ticker whose dividend schedule you want to edit.
- Select Dividend Schedule.
To manually create a dividend schedule
- Use the Upcoming tab.
- Check the Manual Edit checkbox. The existing information remains as a starting point, but you can modify any fields, and add or remove dividends.
- To insert or delete a line, click the Insert Dividend or Delete Dividend command.
- Modify data on any line by clicking in a field and changing the value.
The Dividend Amount is a cash value.
To paste dividends from a Word or Excel table
- Create a five-column table in MS Word or MS Excel.
- Enter data in the format of the existing table, with the Ex-Dividend Date in the first column and Dividend Amount in the second column of your table.
- Select and copy the table.
- From the Upcoming tab of the dividend editor, check Manual Edit.
- Click the Paste button. The data from your external dividends table will replace the current dividends data.
- Click Save to save your changes.
- Click OK to save your data and exit the Dividends Editor.