Price Improvement Auction

For options routed through BOX, you may elect to participate in the Price Improvement Auction to better your price.

To submit a Price Improvement Auction order

  1. Create an options order routed to BOX.
  2. In the Type field, select either LMT, REL, or PEG STK.
    • For Limit orders, enter the limit price in the Lmt. Price field in penny increments.
    • For Relative orders, set a relative offset amount (in penny increments) in the Aux. Price field.
    • For PEG STK orders, you enter the starting price in the Aux. Price field, the delta in the Delta field, the optional stock reference price in the Stock Ref. Price field, the low side of the optional stock range in the Underlying Range (Low) field, the high side of the optional stock range in the Underlying Range (High) field. Use the Order Ticket, or display these fields from the Order Columns tab in page layout.
  3. Transmit the order by clicking the "T" in the Status field.


For a more detailed description of box auction orders, visit the Order Types information page.