Classic TWS Edit Menu

The Classic TWS Edit Menu consists of edit options including Copy, Insert Row, Create Group Header, Mutual Fund Selector, etc.

Menu Command Description
Cut Cuts the selected ticker.
Copy Copies the selected ticker.
Paste Pastes the last copied or cut ticker as a new row.
Insert Row Inserts a blank row above the selected row.

Delete Row

Deletes the row you have selected.
Create Group Header Inserts a non-data row into the page. Enter a title or label to use this row as a separator or label for a group of tickers.
Mutual Fund Selector Opens the Contract Selection box showing available families of no-load mutual funds.
Mutual Fund/ETF Replicator The Mutual Fund Replicator finds an ETF(s) whose performance parallels that of a user-specified mutual fund.
Treasury Bond Selector Opens the Contract Selection box showing available T-Bonds, Bills and Notes.
Instrument Description Detail
Displays the Ticker Description box which contains information about the selected underlying.
Dividend Schedule Opens the Dividend Editor window.
Global Configuration Opens the TWS Global Configuration tool which includes the Feature Selector and configuration pages for all TWS elements.


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