Trade Confirmation Configuration
Field | Description |
ClientAccountID |
Account Number (ID).
AccountAlias | Account alias, if there is one. |
CurrencyPrimary | The currency denomination of the instrument traded. |
AssetClass | The asset class of the instrument traded. |
Symbol | The symbol of the instrument traded. |
Description | The description of the instrument traded. |
Conid | The conid of the instrument traded. |
ListingExchange | The exchange the instrument traded. |
UnderlyingConID | The underlying ConID of the contract traded. |
SecurityID | The security ID of the instrument traded. |
SecurityIDType | The security ID type of the instrument traded. |
CUSIP | The CUSIP of the instrument traded. |
ISIN | The ISIN of the instrument traded. |
UnderlyingListingExchange | The underlying exchange the contract traded. |
UnderlyingConid | The underlying conid of the contract traded. |
UnderlyingSymbol | The underlying symbol of the contract traded. |
Issuer | The company that issued the contract. For Structured Products only. |
Multiplier | The multiplier of the contract traded. |
Strike | The strike price of the contract if applicable. |
Expiry | The expiration of the contract if applicable. |
Put/Call | Put or call. |
Principal Adjustment Factor | The IB calculated principal adjustment for Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS). |
Transaction Type | The transaction type. |
TradeID | The ID of the trade. |
OrderID | The IB order ID. |
ExecID | The IB execution ID. |
BrokerageOrderID | The brokerage order ID. |
OrderReference | The order reference number as defined by the user on the order ticket. |
VolatilityOrderLink | The volatility order link. |
OrderPlacementTime | The time at which the order was submitted. |
ClearingFirmID | The clearing firm ID. |
OriginalTradePrice | The original trade price that was cancelled. |
OriginalTradeDate | The original trade date that was cancelled. |
OriginalTradeID | The original trade ID that was cancelled. |
OrderTime | The time of the order. |
Date/Time | The date and time at which the trade was executed. |
ReportDate | The date of the statement. |
SettleDate | The settle date of execution. |
TradeDate | The date of the execution. |
Exchange | The exchange at which the trade took place. |
Buy/Sell | Buy or sell. |
Quantity | The number of shares or instrument traded. |
Price | The transaction price. |
Amount | Amount of the trade, calculated by multiplying Quantity x Price. |
Proceeds | Proceeds of the trade, calculated by multiplying Quantity X Transaction Price. Proceeds will be positive for buys and negative for sells. |
Commission | The total amount of commission for the transaction. |
BrokerExecutionCommission | The total amount of broker execution commission for the transaction. |
BrokerClearingCommission | The total amount of broker clearing commission for the transaction. |
ThirdPartyExecution Commission | The total amount of third-party execution commission for the transaction. |
Third PartyClearing Commission | The total amount of third-party clearing commission for the transaction. |
Third PartyRegulatoryCommission | The total amount of third-party regulatory commission for the transaction. |
OtherCommission | The total amount of other commissions for the transaction. |
CommissionCurrency | The currency denomination of the trade. |
Tax | The total amount of tax for the transaction. |
Code | The code abbreviation. |
OrderType |
The order type used during the trade. Can be any one of the following order type abbreviations:
This indicates the order type that was sent to the relevant exchange by Interactive Brokers in order to execute the order instructions provided by customer. For advanced order types or order types that are simulated by the IB Smart Routing System (e.g., market orders may be simulated through the use of marketable limit orders), details of the original order attributes may be accessible through the IB TWS audit trail facility. Detailed description of order types for each exchange are available here. |
LevelofDetail | Executions, orders or closed lots. |
TraderID | Trader ID is an alias that identifies the person who executed a trade without revealing his or her username. A prefix of "M" indicates a username associated with the Master account. A prefix of "C" indicates a username associated with a client or sub account. |
IsAPIOrder | Indicates if the order was submitted by the IB TWS API. |
AllocatedTo | Displays the client Account ID for Advisor-allocated orders. |
Commodity | Commodity type. |
Delivery | Physical delivery type. |
Weight | Weight of delivery. |
Fineness | Fineness of commodity. |
Serial Number | Serial number of commodity. |