Mark-to-Market Performance Summary in Base

This section shows profit and loss (P&L) by asset class and underlying, as well as the time-weighted rate of return for the statement period.

Mark-to-Market (MTM) profit and loss shows how much profit or loss you realized over the statement period, regardless of whether positions are open or closed. Opening and closing transactions are not matched using this methodology. MTM calculations assume all open positions and transactions are settled at the end of each day and new positions are opened the next day. MTM calculations are split for purposes of simplification: calculations for transactions during the statement period, and calculations for positions open at the beginning of any day.

To compute the Time Weighted Rate of Return, we use a time-weighted average calculation method. This takes initial investment and cash flows, weighting each cash flow for its time period, and computes a return rate for the statement period.

Field Description
Account ID The account number.
Account Alias Account alias, if there is one.
Model Model, if applicable.
Asset Class The asset class of the position.
Symbol The symbol of the position.
Description The description of the position.
Conid The conid of the position.
Security ID The security ID of the position.
Security ID Type The security ID type.
CUSIP The CUSIP of the position.
ISIN The ISIN of the position.
FIGI The FIGI of the position.
Underlying Conid The underlying conid of the position if applicable.
Underlying Symbol The underlying symbol of the position if applicable.
Issuer The company that issued the contract. For structured products only.
Previous Close Quantity The previous day's quantity held in the account.
Previous Close Price The previous day's closing price of the position.
Close Quantity The current quantity held in the account.
Close Price Today's closing price of the position.
Transaction MTM Profit and Loss The difference between the transaction and closing price of the position multiplied by the quantity.
Prior Open MTM Profit and Loss The difference between the previous and current closing price of the position multiplied by the quantity.
Commissions The total amount of commissions.

The total amounts of dividends, P/L, withholding tax, bond interest (coupon and accrued).

As of September 2014, you can no longer select this field when you create a new flex query or edit an existing one. However, it will continue to be included in Activity Flex Queries that were created earlier.

Total A summation of transaction, prior open, corporate action, commissions and dividends.