Trade Confirmations


Real-time trade confirmations are generated for all executions. You can run any of the following types of trade confirmation reports by taking the steps outlined below.

  1. Click Performance & Reports > Statements > Trade Confirmation

    • Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > Reporting > Statements > Trade Confirmation

  • Trade Confirmation Reports - Shows your trade confirmations separately by asset class for a specific day or range of dates.
  • Trade Confirmation Flex Queries - Which are highly customized trade confirmation report templates in text or XML format.
    • On the Performance and Reports > Flex Queries page, you can also create Trade Confirmation Flex Queries.
      • Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > Reporting > Flex Queries

Note: Trade confirmations are available for the four previous calendar years and from the start of the current calendar year.


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Learn About Reporting in Broker Portal at IBKR Campus

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