
Available in: Client Portal, Advisor Portal, Broker Portal, Org Portal, Student Trading Lab, Professor Trading Lab

The Concentration widget allows investors to view Portfolio Exposure (and Parsed Exposure) by value and weight, broken out by long and short positions. The Concentration widget is summarized by asset class, sector, financial instrument, region, and country.

To navigate to this tool, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. Select Performance & Reports > PortfolioAnalyst > Navigate to the Concentration widget.

    • Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > PortfolioAnalyst > Navigate to the Concentration widget.

  2. Select the blue arrow icon in the top right corner to view additional details.

  3. A new page will populate with additional information regarding your concentration.

Analyze your ETF and mutual fund holdings with the Fund Parser.

  1. In the Fund Parser text box, enter an ETF or Mutual Fund and then click the Search icon.
  1. View the Top 10 Holdings in your account (sorted by weight) or click View All to view all holdings in your account (displayed by weight in descending order).

  2. View Asset Class Allocation by long and short positions, which is based on the NAV and weighting.

  3. View Sector Allocation, which shows the sector breakdown of your ETF and mutual fund holdings. There are 13 available sectors.

  4. View Region Allocation, which is based on percentage weight of your ETF and mutual funds.

  5. View Country Allocation, the country breakout by percentage weight of your ETF and mutual funds. This is based on the position's currency.

  6. View Financial Instrument Allocation by percentage weight of your ETF or Mutual Fund.

  7. View Exposure and parsed exposure of your portfolio by weighting and with portfolio distribution by long and short positions.

Learn About the Concentration Widget at IBKR Campus

Visit the PortfolioAnalyst Website